I have been thinking a great deal about my plans for after graduation. It is beginning to look like I will probably be in Hawaii twice. Once in May to see Nick graduate and do what I can to get back in touch with people I knew in High School before we progress so far in life that we forget eachother, and once in mid to late June so that I can be there one more time before I need to commit all my time to working. Plans are still very flexible.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we? What did I do last week? Well, to tell you the truth, most of it I won't remember in a week because it was so run-of-the-mill. I'll give you the highlights. I started an aerobics class because in 30 years I'll be lucky if I am as healthy as my parents. Was sore all week. I was also sick all week with a low level cold which didn't stop me from going to my aerobics class. David came up from L.A. to visit, and I got to see his films and learn about his trip to China. Went to Sac with Sung Eun and visited the Korean market, then went to dinner and a movie the Friday before last. Met her again for lunch last Thursday. Got a new camera, much smaller than my last. Had sushi with Kira and Ryan and got $2 for eating an ounce of wasabi. Went to the quarterly astronomy club meeting and FINALLY was able to step down from my unasked for appointment as treasurer.
And then Friday came. So Drake and I, having seen eachother only once Fall quarter, decided that we really needed to go skiing together and catch up. So we did. We started our drive at 6:00 on Friday morning and were quite pleased by the fact that there was no traffic.

We decided to go to Kirkwood. Now, I have many problems with Kirkwood. Having lived in Kirkwood for some time, I am very turned off by the development that they have done recently. However, they do have a deal where university students can get a lift ticket for $31. And I know the mountain very well. It is practially the only mountain I have ever skied. So Kirkwood it was. We arrived at 9:00 am to find that we had been beaten there by the UCB marching band.

The Band-uh (UC Davis' band) is much better. Anyway, everything went easily, and we were making runs by 10:00.

Here is Drake on Shortspoke. As you can see, almost nobody was on the mountain. It was great. And the texture of the snow was perfect for me. Not icy, not slush.

We skied for about 5 hours strait.

Then got very cold, decided we had had a great time and called it a day. Drake had a GPS speedometer that tracked our max speed at 63 miles per hour. I wonder if we actually went that fast.

After skiing we drove to Tahoe, found a hamburger place that sold food cheaper than you can get it in Davis and restored our energy. I ordered a $3 garden salad that weighed in at about a kilogram. Very impressive amount of food, and not bad tasting.

So that is my latest adventure. I had a great time skiing, which kind of surprised me, to be honest. Drake and I now plan to return to Kirkwood to ski again, but next time we will also be paying a visit to Grover Hot Springs when we are done, and hopefully we will be able to convince more people to come.
Trent that's great an avid skier in the making. (not)
Glad you guys had fun
I can't believe you went skiing. I thought you hated skiing. Wow. It can be fun can't it.
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