After 15 years of McManus/Bleechers going to HPA, we are finally done. Nick has graduated! I have pictures of the ceremony farther down, but first I need to set the stage.
Grandma and Grandpa D, Paul, Ellen, Vanessa (back from Syria!), Zia and Zio are all here to see Nick graduate. Oriana comes today, and Vanessa and I are going to pick her up. The only person who was not able to make it was Kira (Kira we miss you). Anyway, since everyone is here we have been eating together a lot, and as a result I was able to snap this rare picture of 66% of my Grandfathers. I am lucky because I have 50% more Grandfathers than most other people.

Here is Grandpa Clay close-up. He is very distraught because the camera that I gave him broke and he thinks that it is his fault. It's not.

And, of course, I'm in Hawaii.

Well here it is, the HPA 2006 commencement. Nick is the 5th from the left. Lucky rascal has a name that starts with "B". I had to wait until "M". Those of you not familliar with Hawaii may notice some slight differences between this graduation and American graduations. Our school colors are red and white by the way.

Here is Nick after getting his diploma! Looking quite pleased. I would be too. Now he gets to come to UC Davis, but only after an unplanned adventure in China with his girlfriend.

The girls preparing for their Hula.

The boys doing their paniolo (cowboy) hula. As I was leaving, Auntie Dena gave me one of the hats that the boys had left behind! It is such a great hat! Anyway, Nick is second from the left.

After the boys hula the entire graduating class sang
Hole Waimea and then everybody ran out to the front to give each other leis. Grandpa D hugging Nick.

Here is part of the family with Nick...

And just Nick.

As a side note, we were sitting next to Masahito, who I played soccer with freshman year. He was the goalie and I was defense for the most scored upon team in school history. That was one of the best teams I have ever been on. I wish I had remembered his name. Anyway, he is moving back to Japan, and wouldn't you know it, so am I! So I got his e-mail and I am planning to e-mail him after finishing this post. Here are me and the Grandparents posing in the "parking lot" at HPA.

So after the ceremony, everybody came down to our place for dinner and I showed everyone the movies that I converted to digital format for Zia. That was fun. This morning, at 5:30 I went for a run and then went swimming in the ocean, all before the sun had fully risen. Then I wrote this post.
Awwww I wish I was home with all of you guys... I am so proud of Nick, bummer that I was the one missing, but I am one of two who are currently attending school. ; )
It's OK Kira. Nick only cried for 2 days, which isn't even half a week. And actually, Josh wasn't able to come either, so you are not alone in not being able to come because of school.
Of course, Josh did call last night to toast Nick at dinner over the speakerphone...
haha, just kidding Kira.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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