So, where did I leave off. I think it was December 23rd. Well, on the 23rd I really needed to finish my Christmas shopping, so the guys and I drove over to the King Shops, parked and walked to the Hilton. Needless to say, the Hilton was impressive. Most Hotels don't have boats, trains, dolphins and water slides. The Hilton does. It was very crowded, being 2 days before Christmas. Here are dolphins.

Takaya and Manabu also got to pet a turtle, which I didn't have the heart to tell them is highly illegal.

Anyway, finished my shopping and we went home. I went up to the Wessel's Christmas party and made an appearance for 45 minutes. We had dinner with Bobby (Lisa's boyfried's family). Kira did a hula for us.

The next morning was Ryan, Kira's boyfriend's last day in Hawaii, so my dad and I put on loud Xmas music and ran around the house screaming to eachother that we were going to breakfast as soon as everyone was up until we woke everyone up. We then went to the Harbor Grill for breakfast. Here is Takaya drinking a breakfast mango smoothie.

After breakfast we returned and surfed with Ryan and Jim.

Here is Manabu bodyboarding. Although he has injured himself every time he has gone out in the water, he is a great sport, fast learner and loves being in the water. I think that if Manabu lived in Hawaii for about 2 years he would become a local, no sweat. His attitude is great.

The next day(Christmas) Kira, Dad and I were the first ones up, and we repeated the racket of the previous day.

When mom opened her door, she found two cameras staring her in the face. Hee hee.

Here is Dad opening up one of my gifts to him: a day old sandwich from the Puako General store. Hee hee.

Here is Kira with Manabu's present. Hee hee.

And Manabu. Hee hee.

Me and Dad. I decided that I would wear a piece of whatever was used to wrap my presents until I had unwrapped them all. Hee hee.

Me and kira playing in the wrappings. Hee hee.

If you haven't noticed, our Christmas are wacky. The big feature of Christmas is being with family and for us it has little religious significance. Well, then I cooked eggs, and they were so bad I could barely eat them. Then I made smoothes that were so bad I poured them down the drain.

Afterwards we went up to "bother" Grandma and Grandpa. Here is Grandma showing us her finger exercises.

Well, after returning home, Kira sneezed and somehow cracked a rib, soshe and mom went up to the ER and Takaya, Manabu and I went to look at Petroglyphs.

We returned home at around 2pm, and Manabu got a surf lessonfrom Ryan and Jim.

Heading out.

Catching a wave.

Starting to stand.

Then basically everyone from Wailea as well as most of my family came over for Christmas dinner. Here is Manabu in his Yukata.

Uncle looking cute in his little red apron.

Everybody on table 1.

Everybody on table 2.

In all we had over 31 people come for dinner. It was total chaos, and parts were less than fun, but in all I'd say it was nice. Afterwards the McManus clan sat around and opened up our presents to each other. Here is Bobby using the massaging turtle I gave to Lisa.

So, it was during this round of opening presents that I announced to Grandpa, who has been thinking of buying a digital camera for years, that I am giving him my camera. I plan to buy a cheap point and shoot digital when I return to California. My Nikon has taken every picture that I have posted on this blog and has been a fantastic camera. It has been through South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Japan, Korea, Hawaii and California. I have taken over 10,000 pictures with it. It has helped me record the most interesting years of my life so far. However, it is time to get myself something more portable. Also, who better to give my camera to than one of the men who encouraged me to take up photography in the first place,Grandpa Clay.
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