Last week, during dinner, Keiko brought it to my attention that she was always free on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Very free. Which means bored. So, last Tuesday Keiko and I went on a trip to Sacramento. As our tour guide we had Mr. Sacramento himself: Ralph Washington "Very Iron Man" Jr. Our first stop was Oto's Japanese Food Supermarket, and it was a total dud. No one really needed anything, and all of the cheap bento boxes were gone. So instead of eating Japanese food, we went and got pizza, the first of many unhealthy foods that we were to consume on that day.

Next, we went to Ralph's house and watched as Ralph's brother Jason's Pac-Man Frog devoured a fish. That frog is terrifying. It attacks almost anything that you put in it's tank.

Ralph's mom needed some leaves for her silk worms to eat, so we went to the grammar school where she works to get some. Ralph hopped the fence and grabbed some while I kept the security guard pacified with the power of my submissive apologies.

Next, the mall, where I got some new pants. Then, the Hostess Factory, where Keiko and I shared our first Twinkie. To my supprise, it actually tasted good while you were eating it. However, the after taste reminded me of the smell of Tilex, so I don't think I will ever eat a Twinkie again unless I have to.

Then, Costco, a must see for all exchange students.

Second to lastly, Fry's, where I played DDR and got my first D! I have never done so well!

Lastly, we went to L&L Hawaiian BBQ, where Keiko's first exposure to Hawaiian food was the most tasteless and fatty Lau Lau I have ever had.

On the car ride back to Davis, we all sang songs from The Backstreet Boys.
Skip to Friday. Well, the original plan for the weekend had been snowboarding, but it just didn't look like it was going to work. So, just before renting our equipment, I changed our plans. We'll go snowboarding some other time, but this weekend we went to the ranch. Dang it, I am getting ahead of myself. Before that happened, on Friday night Boeun, the girl on the far right of the picture below, cooked Blugolgi for us. It was quite good.

On Saturday we went to the Ranch, but not before making a lengthy stop at the Dollar Tree.

And here we are at the Ranch.

I was enlisted to cook burgers.

Which I did. See the perfect grill marks! I could qualify for a PHD in BBQ.

With all the rain we have been having, it is impossible to cross the crossing.

Oh, this is the part where I got caught in the fence, and when I asked for someone to please help me get free they laughed and took pictures. Shortly after this we saw a snake, and Keiko wasn't the same for the rest of the day.

Hal as a cowboy, posing for photographs.

Alright. Saturday complete. On to Sunday. Well, on Sunday I drove up to Napa to spend Easter with Grandma and Grandpa. I got there at 9:00am, and by 11:00am Zia, Oriana and Josh had shown up. Shortly after their arrival, we went to fetch supplies.

And cooked eggs.

And wrapped the trinkets that we were planning to hide...


And painted the eggs with Luccina...

And Vincezo.

The Egg that I painted.

perhaps by now you have realized what I am leading up to. This year,
I was the Easter Bunny! And my goodness, Easter is waaaaay more fun for adults. Adults get to eat as much candy as they want, paint the eggs with greater skill, wrap tons of junk in tin foil, hide said junk and then act all smart because they know where everything is! I even got to make my own costume out of wire, towels and food coloring and chase my little cousins around the house pretending to be a rabid bunny! What incredible fun!

The only problem that I had this Easter was the fact that the wire that held my ears together really dug into my scalp.

Luccina looking for eggs.

We really had to help them find this one.

Uncle Vincent, who had to work, was extremely grateful that Oriana, Josh and I did this for his kids.

Vincenzo looking for something. Can you find it?

Here they both are at the end of the hunt. Very few tears this year, it was great.

Some more eggs.

This one was painted to look like Grandpa.

Me, with an entire egg in my mouth, and Vincenzo.

And here we are after dinner.

I stayed in Calistoga last night so that I could pick up Zia's tapes. I am trying to digitize everything before I go to Japan, and I start on the tapes today.
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