You get the picture. So, faced with the choice of leaving my mind alone with itself or simply thinking "grey tie, blue tie, grey tie, blue tie..." the most trivial decision of my life doesn't seem like wasted time.
Amazingly, the next morning I woke up and felt like I could fight a bear. I dressed, got all my supplies in order and took this picture.

Anyway, finally a harmless looking Japanese man opened the door and asked me to give him my ID. I entered the room. On one side of the room was a table with three people sitting at it. In the center of the room was a large table and a single chair. As I entered I was told to sit down. We all introduced ourselves, and the questions began.
Forgive me if I can't quite recall the questions or my answers to them. What I do remember is it was not that bad. One of the interviewers, the former JET, looked like she wanted to eat me. The Stanford professor looked like he was in love with me. And the Japanese fellow looked like nothing I said would make him show any emotion. The questions were easy, and I was pleased with my answers. Here is one example I do remember. Woman who wanted to eat me: "What is it that inspires you about Astronomy?" Me: "Well, I am from the island in Hawaii where the largest telescopes in the world are, so when I was in High School I had access to world class astronomers and a fantastic sky. But that isn't really what you asked is it. What inspires me about astronomy is the fact that a person can look up at the sky and realize how big it all is. The light we see could be millions or even billions of years old. And there is nothing humans can ever do to change it. It is the beauty of the sky that inspires me."
Overall, I thought the interview was a success. The only thing that I feel did not go like I would have wanted it to was the part where I was supposed to pretend that the panel was a class of students that spoke no English, and I was supposed to introduce myself to them. I did a mediocre job at that task. I used good hand gestures and spoke slowly, but I know I could have made it more interesting. Oh well.
When the interview was over the panel asked me if I had any questions. I replied that I did have questions, lots. However, time oly permitted two questions. So I asked if I would be able to add my TESL certificate to my application (yes) and if I could make my top choice for placement Kanagawa prefecture in the Kanto (yes). I gave them copies of my diploma from the TESL course and gave each of them a Meishi, bowed and left.
I left the building and freaked out again.
Then I met back up with Takashi and Kembo. A tour of San Francisco ensued. First Chinatown.

finally, we retured to Davis, where Sung Eun was waiting for us. After dropping them off and thanking them for coming, I came home, took off my suit...
and freaked out.