So, that is it. I am no longer a student. Unless the catastrophic clerical error of my nightmares actually occurs, I will soon get my degree in the mail. 20 years of work to get it. Here are some pictures of my graduation party. These pictures require very little explanation. Basically, about 34 friends came to my house for a BBQ, we ate, I opened some sparkling wine, Kira and I got into a sparkling wine fight, we danced a little, went to Karaoke and came home. Here is part of the pile of shoes inside the door.

This cork really flew! I think it went into the neighbor's pool!

Too much fun.

So Kira told me I was shaking the bottle wrong and that she could show me how it was done. This is what happened.

But then she made the mistake of going back outside.

This was only about 1/3 of the group.

Sung Eun looking very cute in a hardhat.


Me doing YMCA, and old Karaoke favorite.

Ralph looking like a stud...

And looking like Lionel Riche.

Rick, with fantastic red eye.

It was a fantastic party, the best I have ever thrown. I totally blew it on the chicken, but everything else about the party was great! Thank you everybody, I love you all.
Fantastic pictures!! This party sounds quite amazing. It reminded me of my graduation party arranged at one of local Los Angeles venues. It was organized by my mom who made an effort to make this day memorable. Really had an enjoyable day.
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