I am quite backed up on stories and photos from the last week and a half. Things are happening, just very slowly right now. Moving is going slow, because there is so much about this move that has to be done in sequence. I can't just box everything up yet. I have to wait to see what I can sell, and I can't do that till Saturday. I can't pack my final bag until I no longer need my clothes, and I'll need some of those for the construction. I can't close my bank account until I get my last checks and pay my last bills. I am waiting to go to the Bay Area again until I have my Certificate of eligibility so that I can process my visa. So, yes. Slow, halting progress.
But on to the pictures.
This is Oriana and Vanessa in their summer home. I drove down to stay at their place one day last week because they said they were cooking muffins.

Robert amassed came over for dinner. Josh beat me at Scrabble (his score was more than double what mine was) by making this sequence of words.

Here is my first suitcase. It is all packed...

And ready to go to Japan. I was able to fit almost everything in this bag. There are only a few things left, but I am using them right now.

Sunday night, Ralph and I drove down to SF to go to Kerrie's Birthday party. Got to hang out with Kerrie, Mary and Katrine.

Here is Kerrie. 25.

Tuesday night, Drake and I went to go see Kohala in a Borders in Sacramento.

Here they are.

So I finally got to do a little bit of photography for Kohala. Sadly, this is the only picture that came out really well. I should have brought a tripod.

A cute picture of one of the guys.

Drake, Chuck and Jodi. They talked music about music and logistics a little bit, and then Jodi invited us to dinner with them.

So we went to Chinese food. Great place, and it was good to finally meet the Kohala guys.

I hope that my pictures don't back up too much again. These are the Middle Weeks of Summer, and the stuff that is happening is not photogenic.
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