Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Story of My 4 AM Walk (aka. 4時に散歩をした)

Today the story reads from the top to the bottom.

The jet-lag is not really as bad as I expected, although I think that this also has to do with the fact that (due to lack of daylight savings time) the Sun rises at 4 AM in Japan. So this morning, I woke up at 3 and went for a brisk morning stroll at 4.

I had no real goals for this walk, aside from the fact that I was a little hungry, so when I saw Tokyo Tower (see picture) I decided to walk to it.

Consequently, my back has been killing me ever since that flight, and about 20 meters from where I took this picture I saw a sign that said マサージ, which is pronounced "masaji". I thought to myself "cool, I should probably look into getting a massage"...


Anonymous said...

Glad you kept your money

Anonymous said...

This is a great way to stay connected.
Glad your OK